Editor’s Note: The following is a reflection on a prayer commonly known as the “Jesus Prayer.” We hope it will bear fruit for all who practice this ancient devotion.

Lord Jesus Christ
Son of God
Have mercy on me
A sinner

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of David, you are our true Lord and King. There is no one above you, for you are God. Yet you lowered yourself and took our nature upon yourself when you became the Son of the most humble of women, our Mother. You are the King of the universe, yet you were obedient to our Mother at the Temple and to our Father at the Cross. Because of this, because you are exalted above all, we beg you to give us the grace to bend our knees in obedience and confess our faith to you.

Son of God, Son of the Father, you can do all things. Make us sons in your own Image. Restore us to that state which was lost so long ago in the garden by that first man who fell. But O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer! You became incarnate, suffered, and died to save us because we could not save ourselves, thereby raising us up to the right hand of the Father so that we may once more be true sons of God.

Have mercy on me, according to your steadfast love, as you had mercy on the blind man who called out to you. Restore my sight so that I may see the wonders of your love. Lead me and guide me in the way of righteousness and holiness, for this is all I desire. You came to us, that we may have life in abundance, simply because you loved us.

A sinner is what I am, for my sin is always before me. I was born guilty and have nothing to claim for my own but my sins. Yet you came not to call the righteous to repentance but sinners. You are our hope, for you do not desire the death of the sinner but that he turn back to you and live. You call us each by name for, although we are sinners, we are known and loved by you. Lord, you desire my salvation more than I could possibly desire it. My sin is always before me, but your love is greater than my sin. Please keep your love before my eyes, both now and for eternity.


Photo by Br. Benedict Hernandez, O.P. (used with permission)