Ave Maria

Recorded in the beautiful acoustic of Washington’s Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, Ave Maria features chants for the Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for Compline on Marian feasts.
Kathryn Jean Lopez
“The schola cantorum (i.e., “school of singers,” an old-school word for “choir”) at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., honors the young woman whose “yes” to God is the stuff of Christmas and salvation history. . . . “
Read full text in National Review.
Kathleen Pluth
“As a mendicant Order, the Dominicans required a unified liturgy so that a friar transferred from one house to another would easily find his way through the Mass and Hours. All the easier that he might hear in his mind’s ear his founder St. Dominic’s exhortations to the choir: “Stronger! Faster!” . . . “
Read full text in Chant Café.