Cover Page
Table of Contents
Ordination Class of St. Joseph’s Province
Ordination Class of St. Albert’s Province
Co-Laborers with Christ — Thomas Imwalle, O.P.
The Character of Dominican Contemplation — Mannes Rogers, O.P.
The Character of Dominican Action — Mark Heath, O.P., and Paul M. Starrs, O.P.
The Weeping Virgin of the Alps — Hugh M. McBrien, O.P.
Obituary: The Reverend Richard Jerome Meaney, O.P.
Obituary: The Very Reverend Bernard Charles Murray, O.P., P.G.
Obituary: The Reverend Edward Lawrence van Beclaere, O.P., S.T.L.r.
Obituary: The Very Reverend John Sebastian Owens, O.P.