Cover Page

Table of Contents


Albert, Saint and Scientist — Jordan Minichiello, O.P.


Superstition — Xavier Strenkert, O.P.

Dismissal Wage — Frederick Walter, O.P.

Roman Holy-Day — Mark Barron, O.P.

Thank God (Verse) — Camillus Lillie, O.P.

Blessed Martin Centenary (1837-1937) — Norbert Wendell, O.P.

Dominican Press Activities — Stanislaus Gillet, O.P. translated by Hyacinth Roth, O.P.

Saint Thomas on Study: The Commentary of John Paul Nazarius, O.P. — John Paul Nazarius, O.P. translated by Mannes O’Beirne, O.P.

God Takes the Stage: Blackfriars’ Guild and the Catholic Theatre Movement — Brendan Larnen, O.P.

Sham: A Play in One Act — Gerard Joubert, O.P.

Obituary: Reverend Hugh Joseph McManus, O.P.

Obituary: Reverend John Daniel Kelley, O.P.

Friars’ Bookshelf

Cloister Chronicle