Cover Page

Table of Contents


The Revolt of Modern Art — Hilary Kenny, O.P.

Crimas Against the People — Brendan Crowley, O.P.

Why Poetry? — Raymond Daley, O.P.

Blessed Humbert on Study (II) — Bl. Humbert of Romans, O.P. translated by Dominic Rover, O.P.

Ingrid – Saint of Oblivion (II) — Frederick Hinnebusch, O.P.

Golden Jubilee of the Reverend Anselm Murray, O.P.

Golden Jubliee of the Reverend John Jerome Durkin, O.P.

Obituary: The Reverend Bernard Francis Gorman, O.P.

Obituary: The Reverend Benjamin Bernardine Myers, O.P., S.T.Lr.

Friars’ Bookshelf

Cloister Chronicle