Ponderings Pertaining to Penances By Br. Bruno McHale, O.P.|2024-02-11T10:12:17-05:00February 16, 2024|Catholicism, Faith, Lent, Penance, Prayer, Self-knowledge|
A Dominican Valentine By Br. Basil Burroughs, O.P.|2024-02-07T09:34:41-05:00February 13, 2024|Cross, Death, Prayer, Saints, Suffering, Vocation|
Five Lessons from the Desert By Br. Peter Goyette, O.P.|2024-02-05T19:58:39-05:00February 6, 2024|Blessed Virgin Mary, Prayer, Self-knowledge, Suffering, Theology, Virtue, Virtue & Moral Life, Wisdom|