Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Empty Tomb By Fr. Gabriel Torretta, O.P.|2015-01-31T19:15:56-05:00April 25, 2014|Books, Culture, Easter|
Heaven’s Last Best Gift: Marriage as the Final End in Persuasion By Br. Aquinas Beale, O.P.|2015-05-13T14:36:21-04:00April 11, 2014|Austen the Aristotelian, Books, Culture, Virtue & Moral Life|
Love and Friendship: Virtue and the Varieties of Relationship in Pride and Prejudice By Br. Aquinas Beale, O.P.|2015-01-18T03:34:30-05:00April 10, 2014|Austen the Aristotelian, Books, Culture, Virtue & Moral Life|