Editor’s Note: Frankincense, one of the three gifts offered by the Magi to the Infant Jesus, represents the priestly office of Christ, the fulfillment of Israel’s priesthood and a foreshadowing of his priestly ministering to the Father on behalf of sinful humanity.

Whence the first high priest descended,
On the altar, hewn from stone,
Clouds of smoking praise ascended
To the morning star alone.
Bow arrayed in endless color,
Is God on your ramparts near?
Heights of Dawn’s unguilted splendor,
Does your Maker frequent here?
Oh sweet odor! wherefrom went forth
Thanksgiving of the ark’s eight souls.
Creatures over the earth went forth—
So off’rings need off’ring bowls.
Upward wafts the adoration
Cloaked in thick magnificence,
Join me to your own oblation,
Take my prayers, oh frankincense.

Down the ages sundry function
Aided priest-craft’s signal smell:
Blessing, cleansing, tending unction
Hidden where its billows dwell.
Powder-merchant, bring us, tell us!
Of your Eastern gum the price.
It will matter nothing, sell us
All you can of Axum’s spice.
Like with what shall one make perfumed
Sacrifice of profane scent?
Or for grave-kept horrors exhumed,
Corpses od’rous by ferment.
Keep your perfumes, oils, flowers,
All of Asia’s opulence.
Ranked above Elysium’s bowers,
Burn, oh tree, for frankincense!

Where the Temple sat arcaded—
Here below or there above?— 
Angels from the throne unshaded
Bow yet circling, some thereof
Bring forth for two-dozen vessels
Destined for the twenty-four,
Kernels crushed by golden pestles,
To burn, and die, and rise once more;
Rising to the Lamb’s high station,
Lifting from effulgent coals,
Smoke in-bearing adoration
Of the altar’s martyr-souls!
Power, riches, wisdom, blessing
Give Thee they with redolence.
Perfect thanks to Thee addressing:
Salvation thanked with frankincense.

The Child-Lamb within his manger,
Hiding under fleshy guise
Now receives the three-fold stranger
Embassy of nobles wise.
Bring they gifts of kingly status
Useful for another day.
But upon a wrought-iron lattice
Incense burns while shepherds pray.
And through vapors dense and gray,
Burning on a lowly tray,
Something smells of true devotion–
Hail the Infant’s eminence!
For your great High Priest’s pre-motion,
Take this gift of frankincense.

Image: Abraham Bloemart, The Adoration of the Magi