The Hillbilly Thomists, a band of Dominican student brothers and priests, have released their debut, self-titled album. The album samples bluegrass and folk classics, as well as a bit of Irish music. Highlights include an original a cappella arrangement of “Amazing Grace.” It can be purchased at

Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., was elected as the new prior of the Dominican House of Studies, and he made the Oath of Fidelity on Sunday, September 17. An assistant professor in Moral Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Fr. Aquinas entered the Order in 2005 and received his PhD from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, in 2016.

On September 29–30, the Thomistic Institute sponsored a conference here at the Dominican House of Studies on the Holy Spirit, featuring lectures from Fr. Gilles Emery, O.P., Dr. Boyd Taylor Coolman, Fr. Joseph d’Amécourt, O.P., Dr. Joseph Wawrykow, and the PFIC’s Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.

On October 27–29, the Dominican House of Studies hosted an interprovincial studentate gathering, welcoming student brothers from the other three U.S. provinces as well as brothers from the provinces of Canada, Poland, and Southern Germany/Austria. Fr. David Songy, O.F.M. Cap., President of St. Luke’s Institute, spoke to the brothers on the subject of how to live a healthy fraternal life.

The student brothers enjoyed an especially successful soccer season this autumn. Early in the semester they pulled off a rare upset, earning a road victory at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. They went on to defeat neighborhood challengers St. John Paul II Seminary and Theological College.

The Master of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cadoré, O.P., stayed at the Dominican House of Studies on December 1–6, during the first part of his visitation of the Province of St. Joseph (December 1–15).